Monday 26 December 2011

     I am a man of God and a man of the devil. To each his due. Nothing eternal, nothing absolute. Before me always the image of the body, our triune god of penis and testicles. On the right God the Father; on the left and hanging a little lower, God the son; and between and above them the Holy Ghost. I can never forget that this holy trinity is man-made, that it will undergo infinite changes - but as long as we come out of wombs with arms and legs; as long as there are stars above us to drive us mad and grass under our feet to cushion the wonder in us; just so long will this body serve for all the tunes that we may whistle.
     It is the third or fourth day of spring and I am sitting in Place Clichy in full sunshine. Today, sitting here in the sun; I tell you it doesn't matter a damn whether the world is going to the dogs or not; it doesn't matter whether the world is right or wrong; good or bad. It is - and that suffices. The world is what it is and I am what I am. I'm not saying it like a squatting Buddha with legs crossed; but out of a gay, hard wisdom, out of an inner security. This out there and this in me; all this; everything; the resultant of inexplicable forces. A chaos whose order is beyond comprehension.

- Black Spring, Henry Miller